CaDet is a computer-based clinical decision support system for early cancer detection.
Cancer risk evaluation and early detection are subject to serious limitations mainly related to human factors and to characteristics of the data involved. To help overcome these problems, a computer-based system was designed to provide the physician with a clearer clinical picture and aid in directing patients to appropriate measures. Clinical and epidemiological data related to early cancer detection and to cancer risk factors was collected from literature and incorporated in a database, together with heuristic rules for evaluating this data. Individual data obtained from patients through a questionnaire are recorded in CaDet, a computerized clinical decision support system. A report summarizing patient data and cancer hypotheses is generated, with a scoring system that reflects degrees of alarm. The CaDet systems are descripted, as well as some preliminary results of the clinical experience accumulated in its use. These preliminary results suggest that the approach may be useful in improving cancer risk assessment and screening in primary care setups.
CaDet is a hospital-based system.
CaDet has been developed by Jacob Fuchs, at the Beeri Community Health Center, Tel Aviv, Israel and by Israel Heller, Marcel Topilsky, and Moshe Inbar, both at the Departments of Internal Medicine and Oncology, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.