Cancer Me? is an expert system for automated delivery of personal advice on how to reduce risk of cancer.
Cancer, Me? provides users with personalized cancer prevention information. It addresses concerns such as: What aspects of my lifestyle increase my risk of getting cancer?, What can I do to reduce that risk? and How do I improve chances for early detection?. Cancer, Me? engages the user in an interview. It begins the consultation by asking the user introductory and demographic questions, then asks about the users motivation for using Cancer, Me?. The main consultation is divided into four sections (smoking and smoke exposure, diet, sun exposure and health practices), which the user can choose in any order, and an evaluation section. In each section the user is asked questions relating to lifestyle, medical and personal background and family health history. Information gathered from the users answers, either directly or by inference, is subsequently used throughout the consultation. Thus, the user is addressed by his/her name; data such as the users sex and age affect the inclusion as well as the content and phrasing of various sections.
Cancer Me? has been used by approx. 2,000 people. Disk based trials in Calgary, Alberta, are currently taking place.
Ivan H. Zendel,
Paradigm Solutions, #420, 910-7th Ave. SW. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 3N8