DiagnosisPro is an interactive decision support software which provides differential diagnosis in the field of general internal medicine, family practice, pediatrics, geriatrics and gynecology.
After the physician has entered the most important attributes (signs, symptoms, lab results, X-ray results) the system generates a list of possible diseases arranged in hierarchical format. By highlighting any disease in the list, the physician gets an instant review, including clinical presentations and characteristics, recommended lab tests, pathophysiology, rule outs, complications and more. The physician can also rule out or confirm a disease by entering the name of the disease and receive all the information associated with it. DiagnosisPro is also extremely useful when it encounters a medical problem that falls outside a physician´s specialty. With a comprehensive database compiled from more than 50 leading medical textbooks and journals, the program gives the physician and medical professionals fast access to more than 15,000 diseases manifestations, 9,000 diseases and 140,000 relationships covering all the major medical fields.
DiagnosisPro is available for Windows (CD-Rom), Windows CE, Macintosh, UNIX, HTML and Palmtop
DiagnosisPro was developed by two physicians: Charles Meader, a board certified internist, who developed the disease database, and Hugo Pribor, a clinical pathologist.
DiagnosisPro is sold exclusively by MedTech USA, 6310 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 425, LA, California
Phone: +1-323-964-1000 or 800-260-2600
E-mail: mail@medtech.com
Internet: http://www.medicalamazon.com/diagnosispro.html
Prizing and
Single user version: US-$ 499,95
Institutional version: US-$ 999,95
Updates twice a year: 49,99 each