Dr. Gait III


Dr. Gait III (Intelligent Support of Gait Analysis) is a multimedia system providing the means to view and electronically annotate all the information commonly presented for gait analysis:

  1. medical history,
  2. physical examinations
  3. time/distance data,
  4. joint ankle graphs,
  5. moments,
  6. powers,
  7. force plates,
  8. EMGs,
  9. video and stick figures.

The system merges and expands upon two previous programs—pulling interface and tutoring from GAIT (Gait Analysis Interpretation Tool) and basing its decision support tools on the tasks done in the knowledge based system QUAWDS (QUalitative Analisys of Walking DisorderS) the system uses data directly from the gait analysis laboratory. Data Annotation: Each screen of data may be annotated in a manner appropriate to the type of data, in order to draw the user attention to pertinent pieces of information. Decision Support: QUAWDS broke the entire task of gait analysis into several steps:

  1. finding determinations,
  2. muscle fault generation,
  3. muscle fault rating, and generation of explanatory coverage of muscle faults.

Decision support tools are being developed for each of these tasks. For example, the system can automatically annotate the graphs that are abnormal and generate text describing the problem for inclusion in a report. So the decision support tools can aid both the clinician generating a report as well as the student learning to do the task.


The system is in beta test. Power point presentation of Dr. Gait III is available at: http://www.sahs.uth.tmc.edu/drgaitiii


University of Texas, Houston, School of Allied Health Sciences, Department of Health Informatics.


Kathy A. Johnson, Kathy.A.Johnson@uth.tmc.edu
UT- Houston School of Allied Health Sciences, 7000 Fannin, Suite 690 Houston, Texas 77030,
Phone: (713) 500-3920, Fax: (713) 500-3907, Internet: http://www.shis.uth.tmc.edu/default.cfm

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