

Hepaxpert is a medical expert system for interpretive analysis of Hepatitis A and B serology findings.

The objective to development the Hepaxpert computer software package was to improve the analyses of serologic test for hepatitis by written expert interpretation. Without additionally consulting the patient’s medical history, biochemical or other clinical data, the program enables the laboratory, which carries out the serologic tests to automatically produce a written interpretation, which will help to give the referring physician a better understanding of the usual complex test findings. The automatic interpretation of findings is based on the qualitative results of the following tests: anti-HAV, IgM anti-HAV and HAV in the stool for hepatitis A and HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc, IgM anti-HBc, HbeAg and anti-Hbe for hepatitis B serology. Each test can have one of four possible results: “positive”, “negative”, “borderline” or “not tested”. Information contained in the automatically generated test report includes:

  1. the name and the testing laboratory and the head of the laboratory, the ward or department requiring the findings and the patient identification,
  2. the results of the test,
  3. their detailed analysis as regards virus exposure, immunity, stage of illness, prognosis and infectiousness.

These interpretation texts provide a correct and complete analysis of the available findings, where not only prototypical situations are recognized but also clinically rare constellations, inconsistent findings, and patterns with insufficient information.

Hepaxpert I works as a stand alone program without direct connection to an external data source.

Hepaxpert II is a database and interpretive system providing database management and download functions as well. Thus Hepaxpert II can be connected directly to a laboratory information system, a hospital information system or an automated laboratory analyzer.

Hepaxpert III/WWW is an implementation of Hepaxpert for the web. Hepaxpert III/WWW can be reached by Url: http://medexpert.msi.meduniwien.ac.at/hepax

Serologic test results can be entered and will be interpreted immediately.

Since September 1989 (Hepaxpert I) and February 1991 (Hepaxpert II) respectively, the Hepaxpert systems have been used routinely at the Hepatitis Serology Laboratory of the 2nd Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Vienna General Hospital. At present, both systems are also in routine use at several laboratories and private offices.

Evaluation: Hepaxpert was tested retrospectively with those test results of hepatitis A and B serology that were collected in the medical information system WAMIS up to August 1989. A period of more than ten years was covered. in this period, a total of 23,368 hepatitis A and 24,071 hepatitis B serology request were issued. Analysis carried out after this evaluation yielded a 100% correctness of the applied interpretive text.


Hepaxpert I, II (CD-Rom)

Hepaxpert III/WWW is accessible at: http://medexpert.msi.meduniwien.ac.at/hepax.

German and English language versions are available.


Hepaxpert has been developed by the Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria and the University Clinic of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.


Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, klaus-peter.adlassnig@meduniwien.ac.at.

Core Unit for Medical Statistics and Informatics (MSI), Medical University of Vienna, Spitalg. 23, A-1090 Vienna, Phone: +431 40400 6668, Internet: http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/msi/mes.

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