

Liporap has been developed for the automatic phenotyping of dyslipoproteinemia.

The system is in routine use in central laboratory at the University Hospital Gasthuisberg since July 1987. Outputs: about 1,000 reports per year; Input parameters: Total cholesterol, TG, HDL,LDL,VLDL, phospholipids, interpretation of the serum lipoprotein electrophoresis, interpretation of the “standing plasma test”; Output: classification of the lipoprotein pattern as a Frederickson type or as a more rare disease (Tangier, LP-X, etc.); background information: chronic diseases and drugs which might explain the lipoprotein pattern of the patient.


Liporap is a hospital-based system.


Liporap has been developed by the Department of Medical Informatics, University Hospital Gasthuisberg.


Pince Hilde, Department of Medical Informatics, University Hospital Gasthuisberg Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven Belgium.

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