
PEIRS (Pathology Expert Interpretative Reporting System) appends interpretative comments to chemical pathology reports.

The knowledge acquisition strategy is the Ripple Down Rules method, which has allowed a pathologist to build over 2300 rules without knowledge engineering or programming support. New rules are added in minutes, and maintenance tasks are a trivial extension to the pathologist’s routine duties. PEIRS commented on about 100 reports/day. Domains covered include thyroid function tests, arterial blood gases, glucose tolerance tests, hCG, catecholamines and a range of other hormones. PIERS was implemented in the St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, but is now out of use while a new hospital information system is settling in. Once this is stable, PIERS will need to be interfaced into the system.


PEIRS is a hospital-based system.


PEIRS has been developed by the Department of Chemical Pathology, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney


Glenn Edwards,

Department of Chemical Pathology, St. Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA, Phone: (612) 361 2156

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