

The system for interpretation of CSF findings was developed several years ago using Pro.M.D. (Prolog System supporting Medical Diagnostics) and is now in routine use. Other Pro.M.D.-systems have been developed and are also in routine use :
- EBV-serology (distributed by BIOTEST),
- thyroid hormone diagnostics (Thyrolab, distributed by Boehringer Mannheim),
- interpretation of alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme patterns,
- interpretation of lymphozyte subpopulations,
- interpretation of urine protein findings,
- interpretation of lipoprotein patterns.


Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Pro.M.D. was developed by Klaus-Peter Adlassnig Dept. of Medical Computer Science University of Vienna Garnisongasse 13 A - 1090 Vienna Austria


Prof. Dr. Chr. Trendelenburg ; Institute for Laboratory Medicine, Staedtische Kliniken Frankfurt a.M.-Höchst, 65929 Frankfurt a.M.;

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