
TDW (Thallium Diagnostic Workstation) learns to diagnose thallium myocardial scintigraphy from a training set of examples.

Digitized images are acquired by a gamma camera and send to TDW via ethernet. TDW performs considerable low-level vision processing, then extracts features of diagnostic significance using template-based techniques. The physician can view the images and TDW's findings simultaneously on-screen. TDW uses induction to learn diagnostic rules. A rule learned from 150 cases diagnosed by cardiac catheter outperforms the best human diagnostician at the school by a few percentage points. Users can view imagery, enter their own findings and diagnosis, select a rule from a catalogue of rule sets (each rule is accompanied by performance statistics), and perform automated diagnosis.

Implementation: The Thallium Diagnostic Workstation is deployed at the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine.


Rin Saunders,

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